Riverside County leaders back motion to protect immigrant residents

Despite community members’ outspoken objections, Riverside County leaders on Tuesday voted in favor of several policies aimed at protecting undocumented residents.

Dozens of people attended the meeting at the County Administrative Center, and many of them shared their thoughts on the issue that has gained national attention as a result of President Trump’s new immigration policies.

“We’re California people, we thrive with our immigrant community,” a man stated.

“Anyone in this country illegally is committing a federal crime,” stated another.

These were just a few of the impassioned requests made to the county’s Board of Supervisors, which voted to approve an ordinance requesting that county staff investigate a variety of immigration-related matters, such as safeguarding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipient data, identifying funding sources for undocumented immigrants, developing a webpage for immigrant services, and drafting a resolution to support law-abiding immigrants and refugees.

However, many people mistakenly thought that they would be voting on whether or not to become a sanctuary county, which is similar to a status that California currently has.

“There’s no language referring to being a sanctuary county, that’s you making it all up,” Supervisor Manuel Perez told the audience.

Noting that rules must be obeyed because California is a sanctuary state, he crafted the ordinance that was approved on Tuesday.

“Let’s do our research and keep making provisions for everyone,” is all we’re saying. He said, “It’s the right thing to do.”

However, the question of whether the county will help federal officials with immigration matters remains unanswered, days after hundreds were taken into custody in a nationwide raid.

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The precise date of the resolution draft’s creation is yet unknown.

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