Her boutique was one of the businesses spared during the Eaton Fire. Now, she’s struggling with survivor’s guilt

Adriana Molina is looking for ways to assist her cherished town in recovering from one of the worst tragedies in California history, even though her business was spared from the Eaton Fire.

“How can I serve the community that is here,” she responded. “The community that wants to rebuild.”

Over two weeks ago, the second-most devastating wildfire in California history destroyed entire neighborhoods in Altadena and the surrounding areas due to gusts of up to 100 mph.Approximately 9,400 buildings were destroyed and 1,000 more were damaged in the Eaton Fire. Almost everything on Mariposa Street was destroyed by the fire, although a few businesses, like Molina’s boutique Sidecca, were spared.

The words “I can summarize it by numbness,” Molina stated as she sobbed. “I wasn’t ready to talk to anybody for a while.”

As she dealt with the widespread destruction, Molina, overcome with survivor’s remorse, cut herself off from social media.

“I didn’t read any of our Instagram messages,” she stated. “I couldn’t.”

When she finally found the resolve to check her Instagram email a few days later, she was overwhelmed by the support she received.

Until I read them and realize, ‘Oh, you’re still standing.'” We can’t wait. We’re getting hope from you.” Molina remembered. “Okay, this is good,” I thought. The community might benefit from this.

In order to honor the community and show support for her longtime staff, Molina will be completing online orders for her best-selling Altadena products for the time being.

“It’s still very new right now. “What will occur in a month or a year,” she stated.

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She claimed that Amara Kitchen and Café de Leche, two more restaurants that burnt nearby, require assistance to remain open.

“Not everybody has a second location,” she stated. “Really looking into their social media and saying ‘How can I support?”

Do you know anything about the wildfires in Southern California? Forward it to KCAL News and CBS News Los Angeles.

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