California's Highway 99 Tops List as State's Most Fatal Route, Study Finds

California’s Highway 99 Tops List as State’s Most Fatal Route, Study Finds


According to a recent study, California’s deadliest highway is Highway 99.

Over the course of five years, the Dallas-based Barber Law Firm discovered that approximately 400 crashes resulted in nearly 90 fatalities annually.

Driving on it nearly daily, some people claim to witness collisions and tragedies frequently, and for some, it comes too close to home.

Don Luis Mexican Restaurant, located close to the Hammer Lane exit from northbound Highway 99, is owned by Cuauhtémoc Rivera. “It’s like one or two times a month but sometimes, it gets crazy like two times a week,” Rivera revealed.

Rivera’s restaurant is in a prime location, but not all of the traffic accidents on the highway deter patrons.

California's Highway 99 Tops List as State's Most Fatal Route, Study Finds

“When something like that happens, everything is slowed down,” Rivera explained. “Most people, they go into the city and then I’m losing business.”

Analysis of fatal crashes from 2018 to 2022 was done. Highway 99 had far more fatalities per year than both State Route 91 and the Pacific Coast Highway, with an average of 89 per year over those five years.


“It [surprises me] does. Rivera remarked, “I had no idea it would be so horrible. “A lot of people, they speed and they start getting into accidents.”

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There are others who share Rivera’s sentiments.

It’s quite a bit. Why is it all happening? Michael Venotti remarked, “I’m not sure, but a lot of construction is going on.”

Venotti, a 73-year resident of San Joaquin County, believes that increased patrol is necessary.

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“Everything is in disarray. The highway patrol is insufficient to stop speeders, he claimed. “There’s a lot more traffic now than there was 10 years ago.”

When this report was published, we contacted the California Highway Patrol to inquire about their thoughts on this study, but they had not responded.

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