Arizona is ranked near the bottom for children’s well-being, according to a recent national assessment.
Arizona is ranked 42nd in the nation for child well-being in the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s annual Kids Count study. Though it’s not as high as it was in previous years, it’s still better than 39 this year.
The information is compiled using a number of criteria, including family and community economic well-being, education, and health. Arizona is among the bottom 10 states, but there have been some advancements, notably in terms of health. The Children’s Action Alliance reports that there is a 1% improvement in the percentage of children without health insurance.
Governor Katie Hobbs and the legislature collaborated earlier this year to increase children’s access to healthcare.
Arizona came in at number 42 for total well-being. three less points than in the Kids Count Data Book for 2023.
The sunbelt states make up the majority of those at the bottom of the list. Utah, which came in third, was the exception to this rule. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Minnesota joined it at the top.
The U.S. Census Bureau and student test results are among the datasets that are used to create the rankings. Arizona’s rating can be better understood by contrasting it with Utah, which rates higher on these metrics.

As to the Kids Count report, 16% of children in Arizona are living in poverty. It is around half that in Utah.
Almost one in four high school graduates in Arizona are those who graduate late. In Utah, the rate is likewise half. Arizona does better in terms of health rankings; 8% of children in the state are anticipated to be uninsured, compared to 6% in Utah. Additionally, there are almost twice as many single-parent households in Arizona.
The Children’s Action Alliance’s president and CEO, January Contreras, told ABC15 that the findings were expected.
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“Kids and families are struggling,” the speaker stated.
A local group that advocates for children, the Children’s Action Alliance provides the foundation with data from Arizona for the report. According to Contreras, this report ought to clarify the actions that legislators must do.
She declared, “We really need to take investing in K–12 public school seriously.” “We have to make sure children have access to helpful materials. Ensure that they receive health care and early childhood education funding. Arizona performs poorly in that region when it comes to child care.
There are steps parents can take, even if a lot of it depends on lawmakers. According to Contreras, parents may act as an advocate for their kids, make sure they receive the most education possible, and assist in locating tools like tutoring that can help them learn more.
The research states that persistent absences are an issue. According to a survey by ABC15, 34% of children in Arizona were chronically absent in 2022. In the school year, missing at least 10% is considered chronically absent.
Continue reading To change that, school districts are collaborating with Arizona, a local group. A task team has been meeting, looking for answers, and is scheduled to produce a report in August that will serve as a guide for leaders and schools.
According to Lori Masseur, director of early learning at Read On Arizona, “we know that when they show up that they are going to be reaping the benefits of not just the instruction and being there every day, but there’s the social skills that they’re gaining by interacting with other children.”
The state level is seeing an increase in activity. For example, the legislature’s and Governor Katie Hobbs’ budget included millions of dollars for childcare needs—a first, according to childcare organizations, in a long time. To benefit children, lawmakers from both parties must collaborate, according to Contreras.
She stated, “It’s what we really need more of—people putting their children first and putting politics aside.”